PARTUAT: Journal of Living Traditions and Teacher Education (JoLTIEd): Announcements
en-USNews Article: Partuat to publish IP researches
<p>In response to the changing landscape of education brought about by the current pandemic, PNUNL through the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research and Indigenous Peoples Education (FGSTERIPED) launched its first-ever online journal focused on IP education researches.</p> <p>Dubbed as Partuat, the online publication shall focus on the advancement of scholarship and knowledge in the areas of living traditions and indigenous peoples education using the Open Journal System.</p> <p>The launching held on July 26, 2021 became part of the momentous Golden Anniversary of the institution witnessed and participated by the University President Dr. Bert J. Tuga and Dr. Lordinio A. Vergara and Mr. Harry P. Huliganga, VP for University Relations and Advancement and VP for Administration and Finance, respectively. </p> <p>Interested authors are invited to publish their researches in this free and peer reviewed online research journal with the intention to promote, protect and preserve IP education.</p> <p>Only a limited number of participants were allowed in the event and necessary health</p> <p><iframe title="YouTube video player" src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></p>PARTUAT: Journal of Living Traditions and Teacher Education (JoLTIEd)2021-08-10